Social Media Listening is a process of identifying & assessing what is being about a brand/company thus being able to monitor the user needs with respect to the content. Take a look at the Social Listening of SaGG Foundation. It is a non-profit organisation based in the Gambia that seeks to sustainably empower girls & women through education.
Social Media Audit- SaGG

Assessment of SaGG’s Social Media Competitors
Ethiopian Education Foundation– With 1800 followers on Facebook, 151 followers on Twitter, they are active on these two social media platforms which are quite less than compared SaGG foundation. Although, their posts have quite a good reach & engagement.
Teach Her– Teach her operates on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram with a below-average following however they have quite a few likes on Facebook & average engagement rate on Instagram. Most of their posts are images which is a drawback as video & graphics tend to attract more users.
Educating Girls Matters– They are not much active on the social media platforms as they only have a Facebook page with 1047 followers & hardly any engagement. Their posts are mostly article links which prove they do not have a good mix of media posts.
Just Like My Child– With 7451 followers on Facebook, 755 followers on Twitter & 1519 followers on Instagram, they are quite active on social media & giving tough competition to the SaGG foundation. They have a good media mix, reach & engagement rate. Their content is relevant & quite interesting.
Social Media & Content Habits of the Donors
The current audience for Facebook is 47.7% Women & 52.3% Men based in The Gambia, London, Birmingham & for Instagram is 72.9% Women, 27.1% Men based in Nigeria, The Gambia & London.

Social Trends For Charity 2022
Go Digital
There is a range of support offered to charities to prove the effectiveness of digital skills & grabbing the opportunity that digital tools offer. Whether it’s the The Charity Digital Code of Practice (developed by the Charity Commission, NCVO, Office for Civil Society, Small Charities Coalition and Navca) or CAST’s Fuse programme that is helping nonprofits discover, design and develop user-centred digital services that improve lives, there is plenty happening in the sector that proves that digital transformation is well and truly underway.
Voice Search
In the charity sector, voice technology is rapidly evolving. Over 20 billion voice searches are made every month and by 2021, 50% of all searches will be carried out by voice. While the British Heart Foundation became the first UK charity to allow donations through Amazon Alexa, charity supporters are more likely to be looking for something that will fit into their daily lives and make an existing task easier and quicker.
Facebook’s Charitable giving tools
With the introduction of tools for Facebook Messenger that allow it to act more like a CRM and integrate with existing CRM Systems, with relevant permission from users meaning that users can give permission to charities to contact them via email.
Email- Marketing & Instagram stories could also help the charities reach a larger number of consumers/donors.
Social Media Goals & Recommendations