Social Media Listening
SAGG Foundation Social Media Audit
Sponsor A Gambian Girl (SAGG Foundation) is a non profit organisation which tries to educate girls in Gambia and bring about equality in the country. It is an organisation which tries to raise money from potential donors for the benefit of Gambian girls.
The social media reach of the SAGG foundation across the 4 major platforms is divided unequally.
They have 3000 followers on Facebook, 1660 on Instagram, 536 on LinkedIn, and 176 on Twitter.
All the posts across platforms are same and have been posted at the same time as well. These 4 platforms are very different and the audiences they target is also very different. For example: Facebook is more for older people and Instagram has more appeal towards the younger generations.

It is the earning people that are likely to donate more towards the foundation. Hence, we will look at people aged 25 and more and which platforms they are most likely to use. These are the people who are making a living for themselves and also want to make this place a better world.
Platforms used by people aged 25 or above:
- Facebook: 79.6%
- Instagram: 61.3%
- Linkedin: 83.8%
- Twitter: 67%
The content posted by the foundation is very informative, which keeps their followers interested. The post frequency is not the best, as on certain days they post multiple times, whereas on other days they do not post at all.Their major social media reach is in African countries, where people are not earning as much as they do in UK or the US.
Assessment of Competitors’ Social Media Presence
The competitors that will be focused on are:
- Goal For The Gambia
- Prospect For Girls
These 2 foundations are quite similar to SAGG foundation, as they also focus on equality by providing education to young girls in Gambia.
Goal For The Gambia has its presence on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. They have 2000 followers on Facebook, 72 on Instagram, 905 on Twitter and are not present on LinkedIn. Their last post on Instagram was in 2019, hence they have shifted all their focus on Facebook and Twitter. The posts on both the platforms are same, and they too don’t post frequently enough. The content on their pages is less informative and more about what they have been doing. This is helpful in some aspects, but is not insightful enough.
Prospect For Girls is present only on Instagram and Twitter. They have 267 followers on Instagram and 145 on Twitter. Their reach is not even close to that of the SAGG foundation. Their content on both the pages is also very similar, and again, they too do not have the best post frequency.
Industry Social Trends
The pandemic came and changed our lives forever, but now post the pandemic, social media has only grown and will become more and more important for everyone, especially the charity industry. Charities around the globe are trying to increase focus on social media to improve social etiquette. They are becoming aware of what to post and when to post in order to build a social media strategy. Majority of the charities have adopted a blanket model, they want to post on all platforms, which does not ensure personalised content.
Charities have focused on classic social media platforms for far too long, they need to adapt to newer channels, which brings together a new audience altogether. TikTok and Snapchat have not been given the credit they deserve. Charities should try and diversify their style of social media marketing, and be prevalent on these platforms.
Large charities have started to show interest in emerging social media platforms, and the smaller ones should do the same. This will be very effective in the years to come. Charities have started looking towards Artificial Intelligence (AI) for raising donations. It will increase efficiency and processing speed for the organisations. This can well and truly be the future for SAGG Foundation.
Social Media Goals
From the data that has been shown above, there are certain things that SAGG Foundation can improve in their social media marketing. They should not focus on all 4 platforms that they are currently using, instead focus only on Facebook and LinkedIn as these are the platforms that have a high number of people aged above 25, and it is these people who are likely to donate large sums of money. At the same time, the foundation should also focus on emerging channels like TikTok, Snapchat, Clubhouse and others, as they are the future for social media marketing.
Artificial Intelligence for donations can be a long term goal for the SAGG Foundation as it will become part of our lives in a matter of few years. The content should be posted more often and on a regular basis. The content should not only be informative, but also engaging. This is a time when people are hooked to reels and short videos, this is one way for them to go forward. They should regularly post content regarding their day to day operations.
The social audio market is one for the future, which can be seen with the number of people engaging themselves on Clubhouse, Facebook’s live audio, Twitter Spaces, and Spotify’s Greenroom.
SAGG Foundation knows what their target audience is and should try to meet them on social media platforms which are used by them. This ensures connectivity with your potential donors and can be very helpful in the long run. The Foundation should also try and increase its reach in countries like UK and USA, as people here are making more money on average, and are more likely to donate towards the cause.
In conclusion, one can say that there are few things that the organisation is doing right in terms of social media marketing, but there are many things they are not doing right. With time, they should look to improve these aspects and come out as a better organisation for all its potential donors.
Figure 1: 2020. Facebook users in United Kingdom – January 2020. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 March 2022].
Figure 2: McLachlan, S., 2022. Instagram Demographics in 2022: Most Important User Stats for Marketers. [online] Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard. Available at: <> [Accessed 29 March 2022].
Figure 3: Pokrop, J., 2019. LinkedIn users in the US, UK and Canada. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 March 2022].
Figure 4: Sehl, K., 2019. Top Twitter Demographics That Matter to Social Media Marketers. [online] Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard. Available at: <> [Accessed 29 March 2022].