Social Media Listening
SAGG foundation social media audit.
SAGG (Sponsor a Gambian girl) is a charity foundation created solely to help the girls of Gambia, it’s a non-profit organisation which accepts donations in form of money and use the following to help girls of Gambia in securing a better future.
SAGG’S social media mainly consist of 4 major platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin & YouTube. With list of followers given below.
Social media Company | Followers |
3000 | |
1659 | |
538 | |
YouTube | 8 Subscriber |
These are the Top 4 social media platforms in world right now with millions of user activity on each one of them happening every day. Clearly these are the best places to promote your brand.
Sagg foundation has got a decent number of followers on each one of them.
With 3k followers for Facebook with almost 5-6 likes per post and Sagg foundation is actively posting on their Facebook page, there is no patter of posting sometimes there are 2 post per day and sometimes there’s no post for couple days or a week.

Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms today and clearly the best place to promote your brand, with over 30.6 m users in the UK and more than 100m users in USA and India each. Instagram has the potential to make your brand known in every part of the world. Saag’s Instagram consists of 468 posts with an average of 5-25 likes per post, and an active postage of content on their page. Same as Facebook there’s no regular pattern of posting content on their page. However, the kind of media posted on the page is related to sponsoring a child combined with lots of positive hashtags.
Quick YouTube Statistics
Total Number of Monthly Active YouTube Users:
2.6 billion (Source)
Last updated: 07/03/22
Total Number of Daily Active YouTube Users:
122 million+ (Source)
Last updated: 07/03/22
Average Time Spent Daily on YouTube:
18 minutes (Source)
Last updated: 07/03/22
Total Daily Hours of Video Watched on YouTube:
1 billion hours (Source)
Last updated: 07/03/22
Total YouTube 2021 Ad Revenue:
$8.6 billion (Source)
Last updated: 07/03/22
With more than 122+ Million users daily active on YouTube makes it one of the biggest social media platforms along with Facebook and Instagram. Meanwhile the YouTube channel of Sagg foundation is not as active as the other two social media platform mentioned above. With just 8 subscriber and 4 posts posted in a timespan of couple year Saag’s YouTube profile is not as active as it’s other social media counterparts.
Assessment of competitor’s social media presence
Following are the competitors that we will be evaluating.
These two charity foundations are quite similar to Sagg. With both of these foundations focusing on uplifting the life of women and helping them towards a brighter future.
1) Action Aid UK.

Action Aid UK is quite popular charity with over 57,906 likes on its Facebook’s page, 19.7k followers on Instagram and over 2.32k subscriber on YouTube. They post quite frequently on all their social media pages. There is a pattern in posting the content. They also receive decent likes, share and views on Facebook and Instagram. They have been consistent over the years in posting on YouTube and has posted over total of 133 videos with an average view of 500-1000 per video.
2) Rosa

Rosa foundation also works for the welfare of women in the society. They are quite similar to Sagg foundation with just 1,692 likes on Facebook and a posting pattern quite similar to Sagg’s which is active but not regular. With just 1,185 followers on Instagram and 35 post in total their Instagram profile is less interactive then Sagg’s. However, their average like on Instagram is quite unpredictable as few posts have over 60 likes and others not even 10 in total. Whereas their YouTube profile is much better than other social media pages. With only 10 subscribers and 23 videos in total they certainly have a decent average view of around 50-100 per video.
Social Media Goals.
As shown on the data above we can conclude that social media is a big bowl of opportunities with a huge user base, companies can take their brand to more people around the world than ever and can do so for not much money as it’s cheap.
Based on the Collected data above I would like to suggest the social media handlers of Sagg to be more engaged on their social media platform, post more content regularly on both Facebook and Instagram, also try to do a questions and answers session whenever possible which would allow them to tell people more about what their foundation is all about and how is it different from other foundations. Also, it will be of great help if they could come up with some sort of social media campaign with is unique and creative. For example, coming up with a hashtag with resonates with their profile and which they can use on both Instagram and Facebook .it would help them by promoting their page more and easily findable amongst many more similar foundations out there. Also, they should try to post more about the difference they made via making short couple minutes videos and posting it on YouTube regularly. People are more interested in donating funds to foundations if they can see a proof of them making change in the world. Everybody wants to be a part of change. The trick is to make them realise that we are making a difference.
References –
Social Films. 2022. Instagram UK Statistics (2022) | Latest Facts and Figures | Social Films. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 31 March 2022]. 2022. • YouTube by the Numbers (2022): Stats, Demographics & Fun Facts. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 31 March 2022].