Empowering Girls in The Gambia
Sponsor a Gambian Girl (SaGG) is a non-profit organization which seeks to sustainably empower girls and women in The Gambia through education. Convinced that a better future is built and maintained through education, and conscious of the fact that millions of girls around the world lack basic support to access quality education, SaGG intends to focus its intervention on linking schoolgirls in The Gambia with potential sponsors in the United Kingdom, Germany and other countries.[1]
The client SaGG is looking at enhancing their digital marketing tools and practices to grow their online presence and awareness. For this the WBS Social Media Clinic has conducted with a review and social media audit of SaGG four social platforms
A social media audit helps you understand what’s happening on each network. You’ll be able to spot at a glance [2]:
- what’s working and what’s not
- whether impostor accounts are stealing your fans
- which outdated profiles you need to revive, repurpose, or shut down
- new opportunities to grow and engage your audience.
Company Audit

While SaGG has a presence in all 4 major social media networks, the content is duplicated and not curated towards the individual platform target market. Audience consume content differently across the various platforms, thus the repetitiveness, lack of diversification and platform relevant content by SaGG is the reason for its low engagement rates across all channels.
Social listening allows you to track sentiment in real-time, so you can know right away if there’s a significant change in how much people are talking about you or the mood behind what they say. It’s like an early warning system that alerts you to positive and negative changes in how your brand is perceived online [3] Due to the lack of engagement in SaGG platforms, a detailed social listening exercise was challenging to complete and gain insight of the audiences’ sentiment.
Consumer Audit

The SaGG Foundation‘s primary target audience consists of women aged between 21 and 40, with a university background, and interested in gender equality, women’s education, and activism. The charity manages to reach this audience on Instagram, where the percentage of female users is much higher than that of male users (72.9% vs. 27.1%) [4]. However for Facebook, their male audience have a slighter greater presence (52.3% vs. 47.7%) . However, both platforms address the right audience in terms of age, as most followers are aged between 18 and 44 [4].
Competitor Audit

For a competitor analysis, Plan International UK was reviewed. This NGO was chosen for their style of communication. Referring to the image above, it is noticeable that, while the messaging on the content is same, the style of communication is differentiated based on the social media platform used. This is very important to note as followers consume these platforms very differently.
- SaGG Foundation needs to align its brand content on all digital platforms. While the logo and website are predominately in a deep Maroon shade. All social media messaging is in pink. While it is understood that the main target are females and the pink might be more appealing, there is a lack of brand recognition and continuance from website to social platforms.
- Content needs to be communicated differently by platforms.While the messaging can be the same, the tonality and structure needs to change. For example, LinkedIn talks to more business-minded individual and B2B communications. Messaging here should be based on how to attract more corporate sponsorship, with infographics. The chart below shows a comparison of the different social media platforms and how followers consume the content.

[1] SaGG Foundation (no date, a). Sponsor a Girl Child The Gambia. SaGG Foundation. Available from https://www.saggfoundation.org/about-us.html [Accessed 28 March 2022].
[2] How to Conduct a Social Media Audit. HootSuite. Available from https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-audit-template/ [Accessed 28 March 2022].
[3] What is Social Listening, Why it Matters, and 10 Tools to Make it Easier. HootSuite. Available fromhttps://blog.hootsuite.com/social-listening-business/ [Accessed 30 March 2022].
[4] SaGG Foundation (no date, c). SaGG Social Media Audience Report. Blackboard. Available from Blackboard (Social Media and Content Marketing module) [Accessed 30 March 2022].