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Charity Social Media Audit
The Sponsor a Gambian Girl (SAGG) Foundation is a non-profit aiming to utilize education in empowering girls and women through sustainable initiatives. The foundation’s social media presence spans four social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. On Facebook, it posts blog posts and videos every 2 to 4 days. On average, a post may earn between 3 to 8 likes. Posts tend to focus on two thematic approaches: societal impact and inspiration.
The Facebook profile links to the foundation’s website to direct Facebook traffic to the website. SAGG updates its cover photographs and profile on a regular basis. The social media marketing team responds to comments on all posts in a timely manner. SAGG’s current social media track record indicates good performance.
On Instagram, SAGG has a reach of 1,662 followers and links its profile to its website for boosting traffic. The profile follows other Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) profiles on Instagram and responds to comments, but the level of engagement is average. SAGG posts every 2 to 4 days. Most of the comments cover admiration and support for the brand with some focused on making inquiries regarding the foundation.

The audience from Facebook and Instagram was from different towns (&countries) as shown in the following graph.

On Twitter, SAGG has a reach of 165 followers with an average posting frequency of 2 to 4 days. Though SAGG’s Twitter profile links to the website directly, it rarely responds to comments. The sentiment of the content targets the impact of SAGG and other related NGOs on the Gambian society at large. The limited engagement is an indication of SAGG’s poor performance on Twitter. On LinkedIn, SAGG posts on the impact of the foundation’s efforts on girl’s education and the society at large with the aim of driving traffic to the website. On average, it posts twice weekly to earn an average of 1 to 3 likes per post. These figures indicate average performance.
Competitor’s Social Media Audit
ActionAid is one of SAGG’s competitors that has a social media presence across 4 social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. On Facebook, ActionAid posts on a daily basis with an average number of 5 to 10 likes per post.
It focuses on making blog post announcements and other generic Facebook posts. It links directly to the foundation’s website, but they do not respond to the comments. All posts span topics such as societal impact, and relevant news surrounding current humanitarian crises. The observations are an indication of good performance. On Instagram, ActionAid has an astonishing reach of 19.7 million followers that focuses predominantly on following other similar NGOs and influencers. It makes a post every 2 to 4 days and responds to comments, which users capitalize on to show support for the mission. The observations are an indication of excellent social media performance.
On Twitter, the foundation has a reach of over 50 million followers that links directly to the website. Followers make reposts 2 to 8 times on average. All posts span topics such as relevant news surrounding current humanitarian crises, niche information, and societal impact. The daily upload frequency is an indication of the mission’s good performance on Twitter. The foundation uses YouTube to post informative videos and other videos on its societal impact. The profile links to the website and has a subscriber base of 2320. The profile averages 15 likes and 949 views per video with a posting frequency of 4 videos a year. All factors point to good performance.

Donor’s Social Media Audit
Kuben’s social media presence spans Facebook and Instagram. On Facebook, it earns 30 to 90 likes on average with a posting frequency of 2 to 3 days. It posts articles and other short form posts while linking the profile to its website to direct Facebook traffic to the website. It adjusts its cover and profile information regularly as the need arises. It also responds to users’ comments that mainly cover brand support. Its posts mainly cover entrepreneurship, education, technology, and career path. The assessment is an indication of excellent performance. On Instagram, Kuben has 2,083 followers with an average posting frequency of 3 days. All factors are indications of the mission’s good performance on Instagram.

Social Media Recommendations
The assessment of competitor and donor social media presence unearthed key trends that SAGG can utilize to boost its current social media reach. Firstly, SAGG has to increase its posting frequency across all platforms. Currently, SAGG has a posting frequency of 2 to 4 days across all social media platforms. The relatively lower posting frequency coincides with the low engagement levels it registers. On the other hand, ActionAid, SAGG’s competitor, has a relatively higher posting frequency across all platforms. It posts daily on Facebook and Twitter, twice a week on Instagram, and 4 times a year on YouTube. The frequency generates substantial audience engagement to record either good or excellent performance on all platforms (Chen and DiVall, 2018). It is in SAGG’s best interest to adopt a similar posting model that increases the posting frequency significantly.
Secondly, SAGG should widen the thematic scope of all social media posts to appeal to a wider online audience. Currently, SAGG’s thematic scope across all platforms is limited to societal impact and individual inspiration. The average performance of the mission across social media is an indication of the limited engagement they generate (Ashley and Tuten, 2015). Kuben and ActionAid have a wider thematic scope and attract more engagement across all platforms compared to SAGG. Kuben’s and ActionAid’s thematic focus spans societal impact, humanitarian crises news, informative content, education, technology, entrepreneurship, and career path. SAGG has to perform an internal assessment to determine the appropriate thematic approach and expand its social media reach by adopting YouTube as its fifth social media platform. The highest performing social media brand assessed by the social media audit has a good presence on YouTube (Khan, 2017). SAGG has to lean on YouTube’s global reach to expand the multimedia content reach beyond Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and increase website traffic.

Sponsor a girl today here!
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Website: https://www.saggfoundation.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SponsoraGambianGirl/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saggfoundation/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/saggfoundation
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sponsora-gambian-girl/
Ashley, C. and Tuten, T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement. Psychology & Marketing, 32 (1), 15-27. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/mar.20761
Chen, E. and DiVall, M. (2018). Social media as an engagement tool for schools and colleges of pharmacy. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 82 (4). https://www.ajpe.org/content/82/4/6562.abstract
Khan, M.L. (2017). Social media engagement: What motivates user participation and consumption on YouTube?. Computers in human behavior, 66, 236-247. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563216306513