“We imagine a Gambia where every girl is given equal access to education to reach their full potential.”

Sponsor a Gambian Girl Foundation, 2022


Sponsor a Gambian Girl Foundation is an NGO seeking to empower girls in The Gambia, mainly through education (SaGG, 2022). As a charity organization, it is helpful to use social media in order to raise awareness and speak of the benefits of sponsoring young girls, the achievements of the Foundation and aims for the future.

  1. SaGG Social Media Analysis

We will start by assessing what the SaGG Foundation currently does in relation to social media.

SaGG is available on all the relevant social media channels: FacebookTwitterLinkedInYouTube and Instagram. This allows them to reach a larger audience, form personal connections, educate their audience and acquire more sponsors.

  • The Instagram channel has 1660 followers, 468 posts, an average of 12 likes, 25 views and 2 comments.
  • The Facebook page comes in first with the highest number of followers. They have 3000 followers, an average of 10 likes, 70 views and 1 comment.
  • Their Twitter channel has 176 followers, an average of 8 likes, 1 comment and 2 retweets.
  • Their LinkedIn has 806 followers, an average of 3 likes, 2 re-shares and 1 comment.
  • Their YouTube channel has 8 subscribers, 5 videos and an average of 80 views.


SaGG’s Social Media pages

In terms of engagement KPI it is clear to see that Instagram has the highest audience engagement. However, there are various recommendations that will be provided throughout this blog which can boost followers, engagement rate and reach for the SaGG foundation on their social media channels.

In the below infographic we will further analyze the social media channels and performance:

Through primary research we found that SaGG uses similar content on all social media platforms which could be repetitive to their audience. Using different types of content that’s most effective to a respective platform will increase their engagement rate. Furthermore, their social media channels don’t quite have an aesthetic/theme that portrays their brand image. For example, their Twitter has the same cover image and display picture while LinkedIn doesn’t have a cover image at all. They must create an overall appearance with colors, images and layouts that match a certain theme that is more visually appealing. We also analyzed that SaGG’s tone of voice on all their channels is consistently motivating and uplifting; it encourages people to donate and educates the audience about issues in Gambia.

  1. Consumers’ Social Media & Content Habits

The SaGG Foundation, like any other company, must have a target audience to aim their content at on social media. Companies used social media to share content-based information to enhance their connection with target audiences, which was vital to increase awareness and reach a narrower segment with programmed messages (Shawky, et al., 2019).

SaGG should target males and females alike, of the ages 25-70 year olds as they would most likely have a job and be able to afford to sponsor a child. The below data displays the social media demographics for SaGG Foundation.

Facebook and Instagram Demographics

SaGG’s target audience should be people who are empathetic in nature and are passionate about philanthropy. SaGG welcomes sponsors from all over the world, and therefore the target audience are global citizens. While creating content on social media, it helps if the company has a persona in mind that they are targeting. When a brand humanizes itself and understands their consumers’ feelings, they are likely to create strong bonds and loyalty (Thomson, 2006).  An example of SaGG’s target audience is illustrated below in 2 consumer personas created.

Consumer Personas

  1. Assesment of Competitor’s Social Media Presence

Through primary research, two main competitors were selected for the SaGG Foundation:

  • PLAN International: This global children’s charity works with children in some of the world’s poorest areas, ensuring they can access health, education and equal opportunities. They focus on girls by helping with issues like lack of education, child marriage, harassment and sexual exploitation (PLAN International, 2022).
  • Action Aid: This NGO works with girls living in poverty, dedicated to ending violence and creating a better future for females. (Active Aid, 2022).

Analysis of Competitor’s Social Media Channels

PLAN International & Action Aid’s social media channels

Both competitors have a larger following on all social media platforms which is normal as they are much larger NGO’s. However, they’re great for SaGG to benchmark with. Their content on each channel is unique which allows them to gain higher engagement. In terms of comparison, SaGG Foundation’sengagement is lower than their peers, the competitors use Instagram Reels, Stories, LinkedIn articles, Twitter hashtags and Facebook groups to form a community on social media. They target their audience’s emotions through their elaborate captions while also educating them using statistics and informative videos. PLAN International also uses polls, Q&A’s and user generated content on their social media stories while Action Aid uses appealing CTA’s, posters and infographics. Both NGO’s also use philanthropic topics that are currently trending to reach a wider audience, for example the #DonateToUkraine hashtag. An example of such content can be shown below.

PLAN International’s Reel on Instagram about Women Education

Action Aid’s Content Regarding Ukrainian Crisis

4. Industry Social Media Trends

Through our competitor analysis, we found certain trends in the industry which are being used on social media that SaGG would benefit from to gain a larger audience and higher engagement.

5. Social Media Recommendations

Based on extensive research on industry competitors and trends, recommendations can be provided to SaGG on how to increase their social media potential.

  1.  Stay up to date with trending topics: the social calendar is full of meaningful philanthropic events which can be posted about using hashtags to reach a wider audience. For example: Breast cancer awareness month, International Day of the Girl Child, Women Empowerment, etc.
  2. Be more active: social media algorithms allow audiences to see posts from pages that are consistently posting powerful and creative content. Companies should post 3-7 times / week on Instagram, 1-2 times / day on Facebook, 1-5 times / day on Twitter and 1-5 a day on LinkedIn- companies need to experiment with their content and the key is to be consistent (McLachlan, 2022).
  3. LinkedIn: This channel is mainly used by professionals, and therefore posting educational articles or reports would boost the content’s performance and educate potential donors to sponsor a Gambian girl child.
  4. Interact with audience: it’s important to form a deeper connection with your audience through community management, stories, polls, Q&A’s, reshares and interactive posts. This results in consumers being more interested and earning more about SaGG and how to donate.
  5. Humanize your Brand: create an aesthetic that personally appeals to the brand image, and post more content about the founders, what they are passionate about, behind the scenes and the mission of SaGG. Use the art of storytelling through captions, infographics and posts. This increases engagement and allows consumers to be more loyal to your foundation.
    Example of SaGG Story on Social Media for International Day of the Girl Child with Call to Action





    McLachlan, S., 2022. How Often to Post to Social Media in 2022. [online] Available at: <https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-often-to-post-on-social-media/> [Accessed 31 March 2022].

    Shawky, S., Kubacki, K., Dietrich, T. and Weaven, S., 2022. Using social media to create engagement: a social. [online] Available at: <https://www.proquest.com/docview/2237461120?accountid=14987&pq-origsite=primo>

    Thomson, M., 2022. Human Brands: Investigating Antecedents to Consumers’ Strong Attachments to…:. [online] Available at: <https://web.p.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=0&sid=e614603f-85a8-4282-9add-9248e0fbd3f5%40redis>